LACOE performs a variety of state mandated functions, including the fiscal oversight of School Districts and Joint Powers Authorities (JPAs).
LACOE is required by law to review and examine the Budget and Interim reports, Unaudited Actuals, Annual Audits, Non-Voter-Approved Debt and Collective Bargaining Agreements prepared by the school districts in order to determine whether or not the district can meet its financial obligations in the current and two subsequent fiscal years.
Assembly Bill 1200 (Chapter 1213), Statutes of 1991, which was further expanded through Assembly Bill 2756 (Chapter 52), Statutes of 2004, outlines the county superintendents’ legal standards and responsibilities in assisting with school district and JPAs fiscal stability.
Discover more about Financial Management Services (FMS), including annual budgets, reports, actuals and audits.
- Data analysis and reconciliation to validate accuracy of budget and interim data
- Review the financial and budgetary conditions of the school districts and JPAs, in compliance with state criteria and standards, to ensure that they meet their financial obligations
- Identify risks that could impact budget and financial data
- Approve annual budgets for school districts and JPAs
- Review and certify interim reports
- Review and certify unaudited actuals
- Conduct audit reviews to develop and implement corrective action plans
- Review and certify the annual audits of school districts and JPAs
- Review public disclosures of collective bargaining agreements
- Review non-voter-approved debt
- Coordinate Average Daily Attendance (ADA) reporting and certifications between school districts and the state
- Coordinate J-13A and Current Expense Formula/Minimum Classroom Compensation (CEA) waivers between school districts and the state
- Analyze enrollment and unduplicated pupil count reports
- Certify property taxes
- Provide training and assistance to school district chief business officials (CBOs) and other fiscal staff
- Coordinate countywide meetings for school districts and JPA staff, covering relevant topics and providing pertinent, timely fiscal information
- Review school district Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs) for fiscal compliance
- Provide Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) updates
- Provide state and federal apportionment data
- Provide state budget data based on January and May proposals
Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team (FCMAT) – Fiscal Tool
"FCMAT has developed the Fiscal Health Risk Analysis (FHRA) as a tool to help evaluate a local educational agency’s (LEA’s) fiscal health and risk of insolvency in the current and two subsequent fiscal years. The FHRA includes up to 20 sections, each of which contains specific questions. Each section and specific question is included based on FCMAT's work since the inception of AB 1200; they are the common indicators of risk or potential insolvency for LEAs that have neared insolvency and needed assistance from outside agencies. Each section of this analysis is critical, and lack of attention to these areas will eventually lead to an LEA's failure."
Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team (FCMAT) – Fiscal Tool
Indicators of Risk or Potential Insolvency
"FCMAT has compiled lists of indicators of risk or potential insolvency for TK-12 local educational agencies (LEAs), charter schools and community colleges. These lists are based on FCMAT's more than 30 years of experience with LEAs since the inception of Assembly Bill (AB) 1200 in 1991. They will continue to be revised to ensure they remain relevant and helpful.
Each indicator signifies a lack of function, commitment or attention to one or more critical elements of an LEA's operations. The existence of any one of these indicators increases the risk of insolvency and the need for assistance from outside agencies. An LEA’s failure to manage these critical areas will eventually lead to fiscal insolvency and its discontinuation."
Access essential documents for FMS, including forms, workbook materials and publishing information requests.
Financial Management Services
Octavio Castelo
Director, Business Advisory Services
(562) 922-6131